Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

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Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Arial Narrow Bold in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator

Have you guys ever know about 'Arial Narrow' font??
If you have ever used that font in Adobe Software, such Adobe Reader, or Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Illustrator or Adobe InDesign.. You must be found the fact that actually, "Arial Narrow Bold", and "Arial Narrow Italic" is not shown up..

I have encountered this problem and wasted much time to find the solution.. Adobe and Microsoft seems can't fix this problem..

I have found  a solution called HotFix Office.. But this solution only available for Office 2007 (in time I write this post).. And my Office is 2010..

So I uninstall my office 2010, and instead install the Office 2007.. But it's still zero..
In my Illustrator, I still can't use Arial Narrow Bold or Italic..

So after few hours, trying every solutions I can find in Google, I have found one way, and this is working.. :D

You dont need to install hotfix whatever.. Here I want to share with you guys, so you guys dont need to wasted so many time figuring the solution out.. :

Here you go :
1. Go to this link :
and download the Arial Narrow TTF..
The site provide Arial Narrow version 2.37..
(If the site is down, let me know, and I will uploaded the font for you guys.. :D)

2. Search your computer, and delete all files which is named "AdobeFnt*.lst"..
AdobeFnt*.lst is the cache files for Adobe program.. we will delete the old cache, and force the Adobe program to generate the new one (with our new fonts)..
The * mean random number.. Here I search my computer and found 4 files :
How Arial Narrow Adobe Jaya_Allways
WARNING : Only delete LST files, and dont delete "AdobeFnt.db".. Because AdobeFnt.db is not the cache files..

3. Delete your font files..
Go to C://WINDOWS/Fonts/
and delete Arial Narrow font files..
There are 4 files you need to delete :
Arial Narrow
Arial Narrow Bold
Arial Narrow Italic
Arial Narrow Bold Italic
How Arial Narrow Adobe Jaya_Allways

4. Remember the files you download in the Step 1?
Unzip them to a new folder and paste all of the 4 new font files to your Font Directories..

5. Enjoy.. :D
How Arial Narrow Adobe Jaya_Allways
As you can see, now Arial Narrow become separated from Arial..
Because what you do is to make the Arial Narrow a different version from the original Arial, so the Adobe automatically make them separated..

Hope this tutorial help you guys.. :D


Kamis, 04 November 2010

Menghentikan Paket Akrab Axis

Bagi agan2 yg pake AXIS, dan berlangganan AKRAB AXIS..
mungkin bingung buat menon-aktifkan nya soalnya Menu "Akrab" hilang begitu saja..
Biasanya kan klo kita maw nambah anggota ato hapus anggota, kan tinggal ke *123#, nah tapi sejak juni 2010 (kayaknya sih tgl segitu), menu "Akrab" lenyap tanpa bekas..

Alhasil gw yg pengen balik k tarif biasa, alias sudah enggan dikenakan 10rbu per bulan lagi, jadi bingung bingung bunging..

Nah bagi agan2 yg juga pengen menon-aktifkan akrab axis nya, cukup hubungi *125#.. Dan pilih menu "Berhenti dari Akrab" di nomor 5..
(walaupun gw yakin udah jarang yg pake akrab)

Buat your info :
Akrab itu sejenis paket yg disediakan Axis dengan tarif sbagai berikut :

Telepon :
Anggota AKRAB
Rp 100 / jam (hanya jam 00.00 - 06.59)
Sesama AXIS
Rp 100 / menit
operator lain
Rp 900 / menit

Anggota AKRAB
Rp 1 / sms
semua operator
Rp 100/sms

Anggota Akrab nya terbatas untuk 8 orang doank.. Udah gitu per bulan kena potongan Rp. 10000,-. jadi sebenarnya paket akrab itu hanya cocok bagi orang yg jarang telponan siang2, tapi sering jadi kalong telponan, dan sering SMS-an ke nomor sesama AXIS..

Pada detik posting ini diketik, Tarif normal AXIS lebih menguntungkan daripada Akrab.. Nih informasi tarif Axis Normal :

Telepon :
Sesama AXIS
Rp 100 / jam (hanya jam 00.00 - 10.59)
Rp 600 / jam (hanya jam 11.00 - 16.59)
Rp 1200 / jam (hanya jam 17.00 - 23.59)

Operator lain
Rp 2400 / 6 menit (AXIS baik y? AXIS aneh y?)

semua operator
Rp 100/sms

Hoahmmm.. udah deh sekian.. gw koq malah ngepromosiin AXIS sih.. -.-a

Rabu, 03 November 2010

Hi :D

Hi, every body..
In this blog, I will post and share every solution to the problems I faced in my journey..
Hope my blog will help all of you who face the problems too..
Let's make this world better together.. :D